Save Our Bees

Bee“Spring’s finally here! The flowers are blooming and the bees are back. But right now toxic pesticide companies and powerful lobbyists are putting together plans to get the UK ban on bee-killing pesticides lifted.

The pesticides, called neonicotinoids, are banned across Europe because they’re responsible for killing our bees. But Liz Truss, our Environment Minister, could ignore the ban and allow them onto British fields for crops planted this summer . . .”

To read more click here

If you would like to help, sign the petition here






International Peening Day 2016

International Peening Day — Internationl Peening Day 2016Sunday 3rd April 2016

On a very wet Sunday morning (hence in the poly tunnel !) scythe enthusiasts gathered at SkyeGrove to clean and peen their blades in preparation for the mowing season, this is an international annual event. Great to catch up with fellow scythers and big thanks to Janice for wonderful homemade flapjacks